
Am in the wrong for asking for a week off after starting a job and the vacation is in 6 months?

Hey guys! So when I got offered the job I let them know about my soonest vacation which is July 3rd-7th but I’m only taking July 3rd off since the office is closed July 4th-5th. I also offered to work half day July 3rd and my manager didn’t have a problem and approved it. Now I’ve started it’s my last day of my first week and I remembered I should mention a vacation that was planned for December 16th-21st and I already booked flights before I started working. They didn’t ask for any future vacations and this is also 6 months from now and I won’t be leaving anymore than that. I brought it up to my manager and he got pissy right away and was saying you can’t without PTO and was patronizing me and saying didn’t they mention the interview all of the benefits of this job? And…

Hey guys! So when I got offered the job I let them know about my soonest vacation which is July 3rd-7th but I’m only taking July 3rd off since the office is closed July 4th-5th. I also offered to work half day July 3rd and my manager didn’t have a problem and approved it. Now I’ve started it’s my last day of my first week and I remembered I should mention a vacation that was planned for December 16th-21st and I already booked flights before I started working. They didn’t ask for any future vacations and this is also 6 months from now and I won’t be leaving anymore than that.

I brought it up to my manager and he got pissy right away and was saying you can’t without PTO and was patronizing me and saying didn’t they mention the interview all of the benefits of this job? And I’m not even kidding I haven’t received any documentation about my benefits at this job or was told at all in the interview so how was I supposed to know. He gave me some forms asking for approval and he was like this is standard for most USA offices and was obviously upset. I explained and apologized and said I didn’t mean to cause any problems I just wasn’t sure how anything worked at the office since it was explained I didn’t even get an employee handbook! Like am I in the wrong?

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