
Amazon does Enslave People*

by not creating good working conditions and undercompensating employees This is my incoherent rant. Thank you for reading: Under a third party company servicing Amazon I delivered Whole foods groceries to people in New York City. I got paid minimum wage ($15/hr) and this came with: inconsistent inhumane work schedule, no microwave, no break room, no Water, 10 hour shifts outdoors Summer & Winter, and not a single place to sit down and rest. During COVID we were “essential workers”. Society would've essentially collapsed if low wage workers did not continue working during the pandemic. A Majority of people were in their 30s with a several gentlemen being of retirement age, not a soul was under 22 years of age. It genuinely felt like slavery especially when living paycheck to paycheck whilst being on government assistance. It was demoralizing to provide groceries to rich people whilst living in relative poverty.…

  • by not creating good working conditions and undercompensating employees

This is my incoherent rant. Thank you for reading:

  Under a third party company servicing Amazon I delivered Whole foods groceries to people in New York City. I got paid minimum wage ($15/hr) and this came with: inconsistent inhumane work schedule, no microwave, no break room, no Water, 10 hour shifts outdoors Summer & Winter, and not a single place to sit down and rest. During COVID we were "essential workers". Society would've essentially collapsed if low wage workers did not continue working during the pandemic. A Majority of people were in their 30s with a several gentlemen being of retirement age, not a soul was under 22 years of age.

 It genuinely felt like slavery especially when living paycheck to paycheck whilst being on government assistance. It was demoralizing to provide groceries to rich people whilst living in relative poverty. Did I mention the company would often conceal and steal tips? Wage theft is common... 
   An inhumane work schedule is waking up at 2:00 a.m. one day (morning shift) and the next day working until midnight. (Afternoon shift).

   Being on minimum wage one risks loosing public assistance making the cost burden even worse. I realized this, despite working full time I did not make enough to afford food, healthcare, and Rent. So until I become a SoFtWaRe eNgINeEr, it makes economical sense to only work Part-Time whilst benefitng from programs like EBT, Public Housing, and Medicaid. After six months of horrible working conditions, I had a existential breakdown and they fired me for leaving early that day. Since then I've never been happier and healthier! 

Seriously, what Is the point of working full time if you can't LIVE off of what you make?

Some disruptive info to cause chaos:

  This is a [Living Wage calculator]( produced by MIT, Data shown are by county and or metropolitan area. 

  Also a map showing [life expectancy by zip code.]( So if you're poor then you literally die early.

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