
Amazon making us return cheap blankets

So I work at an Amazon warehouse, (Yes, I know.) and a few months back, management decided to have a fire drill in the middle of winter. Meaning every last one of us standing around in the cold as parking lot until every last employee was present and accounted for. Apparently they realized just how shit of an idea this was as they started to pass out blankets to everyone. I never learned if they were actually from the inventory or not but they were obviously cheap and not very well made. We took them anyways because cold and also hey, free blanket. At least that’s what we thought. Once the drill was finally over and we were let back inside, they made everyone return the blankets, as if this freaking building couldn’t afford to replace every last one of these cheap ass blankets several times over. To this day…

So I work at an Amazon warehouse, (Yes, I know.) and a few months back, management decided to have a fire drill in the middle of winter. Meaning every last one of us standing around in the cold as parking lot until every last employee was present and accounted for. Apparently they realized just how shit of an idea this was as they started to pass out blankets to everyone. I never learned if they were actually from the inventory or not but they were obviously cheap and not very well made. We took them anyways because cold and also hey, free blanket. At least that’s what we thought. Once the drill was finally over and we were let back inside, they made everyone return the blankets, as if this freaking building couldn’t afford to replace every last one of these cheap ass blankets several times over. To this day I still get a chuckle from the mental image of a stupid middle manager saying, “Guys I know our CEO just rode a giant dildo into space, but we REALLY need you to return those blankets.”

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