
Amazon provided prison-grade food that gave me food poisoning during forced overtime for Prime Day

I made a post yesterday about the abhorrent jail food that Amazon provided us during Prime Day and, honestly, I just wanted to say something here too because this completely destroyed any willingness I had to keep working for them. It tasted very similar to those really cheap 99 cent burgers you'd find in a frozen grocery section of a store, and it was also cold, didn't even feel like it was ever warm. All of this for the people they are forcing two mandatory overtime shifts on for a total of 55 hours. It was not just a slap in the face, it felt like Jeff Bezos put his dick in my mouth. And this is all after working two super hectic shifts to fulfill people's packages that they didn't even get a deal on. Since eating these, I've had explosive diarrhea and intense abdominal cramps. And I get…

I made a post yesterday about the abhorrent jail food that Amazon provided us during Prime Day and, honestly, I just wanted to say something here too because this completely destroyed any willingness I had to keep working for them. It tasted very similar to those really cheap 99 cent burgers you'd find in a frozen grocery section of a store, and it was also cold, didn't even feel like it was ever warm. All of this for the people they are forcing two mandatory overtime shifts on for a total of 55 hours. It was not just a slap in the face, it felt like Jeff Bezos put his dick in my mouth.

And this is all after working two super hectic shifts to fulfill people's packages that they didn't even get a deal on. Since eating these, I've had explosive diarrhea and intense abdominal cramps. And I get to go back to work for another 3 days now after being sick from the food they gave us peasants. I know they're just going to get away with it, so I now have zero intention to work hard for this company for the short remainder of time I will be here. Thank you for reading, have a nice day.

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