
Amazon walking back RTO policy?

So about a half a year ago or so when Amazon began rolling out the RTO mandate, the tone seemed pretty clear: Amazon workers either comply with the RTO or lose their job. I'm reading media reports now that say Amazon will possibly prevent promotions for people who don't comply with the RTO policy and that managers are given the green light to fire employees who don't comply. Is Amazon walking back the strictness of the consequences for not complying with the RTO policy? Or did I simply misread their initial position of “comply or leave”?

So about a half a year ago or so when Amazon began rolling out the RTO mandate, the tone seemed pretty clear: Amazon workers either comply with the RTO or lose their job. I'm reading media reports now that say Amazon will possibly prevent promotions for people who don't comply with the RTO policy and that managers are given the green light to fire employees who don't comply.

Is Amazon walking back the strictness of the consequences for not complying with the RTO policy? Or did I simply misread their initial position of “comply or leave”?

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