
Ambused by head of HR

I have been working for a storage facility for over 3 years now. Started as a store manager and worked my way up to corporate. I received a promotion to operations administrator under the premise that I would be running the social media page, website, signage, brochures ect. Shortly after I started this position my higher ups were referring to me as a “marketing manager”. My company is well aware that I do not have a marketing degree or very much experience. I have since then absorbed as much marketing knowledge as possible, researching and attending conferences. I have done my very best in my role and didn't think I was doing a terrible job. Today our head of HR asked me if I could join a quick call. I did, and he gave me a few second description of the call saying ” I am interviewing someone for the…

I have been working for a storage facility for over 3 years now. Started as a store manager and worked my way up to corporate. I received a promotion to operations administrator under the premise that I would be running the social media page, website, signage, brochures ect. Shortly after I started this position my higher ups were referring to me as a “marketing manager”. My company is well aware that I do not have a marketing degree or very much experience. I have since then absorbed as much marketing knowledge as possible, researching and attending conferences. I have done my very best in my role and didn't think I was doing a terrible job. Today our head of HR asked me if I could join a quick call. I did, and he gave me a few second description of the call saying ” I am interviewing someone for the marketing position and they have a few questions. I figured you would be the best person to answer them.” Before I could answer the interviewee joined the call. I did my best to answer her questions even though I felt ambushed, incredibly uncomfortable and filled with unbelief that our head of HR would do this to someone. Am I wrong for feeling upset about this?

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