
An “I QUIT” Story I Still Remember Years Later

Back when I was a teenager (long ago, lol) I had a friend, 'Bud.' Bud got a job at a pizza parlor. The kind with the all-you-can-eat bar. Bud was an awkward teenage kid, but he tried hard and worked hard. He started out as the busboy, but quickly took on extra responsibilities: cooking pizzas, keeping the buffet line stocked, etc. The manager was an ass and it caused other employees to quit, causing more work for Bud. Bud worked hard but never received a raise nor any expression of gratitude for his work ethic. Eventually he'd had enough. He secretly got a new job and devised a plan. The business had a juke box – a quarter a song. Bud loaded up on quarters, $10 worth I think, and played the same song over and over while he sat around for most of his shift and did nothing until…

Back when I was a teenager (long ago, lol) I had a friend, 'Bud.' Bud got a job at a pizza parlor. The kind with the all-you-can-eat bar. Bud was an awkward teenage kid, but he tried hard and worked hard. He started out as the busboy, but quickly took on extra responsibilities: cooking pizzas, keeping the buffet line stocked, etc. The manager was an ass and it caused other employees to quit, causing more work for Bud. Bud worked hard but never received a raise nor any expression of gratitude for his work ethic.

Eventually he'd had enough. He secretly got a new job and devised a plan. The business had a juke box – a quarter a song. Bud loaded up on quarters, $10 worth I think, and played the same song over and over while he sat around for most of his shift and did nothing until the manager finally came out of the office. As he was raging on Bud and telling him to straighten up or get fired, Bud grinned and said, “Do you hear the song that's playing? That's my answer. Bye asshole.” Bud then walked out. Not a single table had been bussed, no dishes cleaned, no fresh pizza on the buffet line.

The song? It was Alice Cooper's, “Go to Hell.”

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