
An idea for work

We all know things are f*cked and the old companies are behaving the worst currently. Seen so many rants here about frustrated employees and how things are not fair. Saw some posts asking for solution. Like, what can be done? Today I just got an idea for work. The idea is to start a business where there are no employees who get paid fixed salary. Instead, each 'employee' owns a part of the company. There are no bosses. There are only people who work collectively and share the profits among them basis the work they do. No bootlickers required. The 'employees' in such a company are collective owners of the company. The revenue that they generate is split among them based on how much business they create for the company. This can apply to any profession/business. Eg. I work as a developer. I can join a team of developers and…

We all know things are f*cked and the old companies are behaving the worst currently. Seen so many rants here about frustrated employees and how things are not fair. Saw some posts asking for solution. Like, what can be done?

Today I just got an idea for work. The idea is to start a business where there are no employees who get paid fixed salary. Instead, each 'employee' owns a part of the company. There are no bosses. There are only people who work collectively and share the profits among them basis the work they do. No bootlickers required. The 'employees' in such a company are collective owners of the company. The revenue that they generate is split among them based on how much business they create for the company. This can apply to any profession/business.

Eg. I work as a developer. I can join a team of developers and we can offer technical consultancy services. Each of us can solve technical problems and earn money for our company. The total revenue generated is then distributed amongst the developers, with developers performing better getting a higher share.

What do you think of it? Does this already exist? Open to criticism.

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