
An uncompensated 11 hour work day as part of the hiring process??!!

Fuming. I found a great job (not great pay, but seemed like a fun job) but after the initial interview they asked me to work an 11 hour day without compensation to see if this is a position I'd be interested in, and to see if I'm a good fit! WTF?? I told them I'd be happy to show up and observe what the other employees are doing, but no way could I justify working for 11 hours without getting paid. They wouldn't budge, even though I have great qualifications and would make an excellent addition to their team. I know my worth. I wish there was some awareness from companies that when you start to bring on employees, it's inappropriate and immoral to ask THE EMPLOYEE to take a loss for YOUR COMPANY'S benefit. When you start a company, the onus is on you to accept that things cost…

Fuming. I found a great job (not great pay, but seemed like a fun job) but after the initial interview they asked me to work an 11 hour day without compensation to see if this is a position I'd be interested in, and to see if I'm a good fit! WTF?? I told them I'd be happy to show up and observe what the other employees are doing, but no way could I justify working for 11 hours without getting paid. They wouldn't budge, even though I have great qualifications and would make an excellent addition to their team. I know my worth.

I wish there was some awareness from companies that when you start to bring on employees, it's inappropriate and immoral to ask THE EMPLOYEE to take a loss for YOUR COMPANY'S benefit. When you start a company, the onus is on you to accept that things cost money, including bringing on new employees. The fact that that cost so often gets passed on to the potential hire is infuriating to me, as I'm sure it is to the rest of this amazing community too.

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