
And I’m fired! This is gonna get fun :)

Here is my first post. And here is my second one. So because my life sucks, a couple weeks ago I got very very ill. Fever, body aches, and just feeling like I had been hit by a truck. As it turns out, it was pneumonia, which was confirmed by x-ray. I was out of work for a week, as it is rather hard to talk on the phones when you're coughing up blood. I was given two different types of antibiotics and told I absolutely needed rest. I didn't argue because anything more than taking a piss was too intense. Today, during the middle of the shift, I was told that my employment was terminated due to attendance. I was one “point” over if I included the allowance for my disability accommodation. Had we had sick time instead of a bullshit point system, I would have been ok. I…

Here is my first post.

And here is my second one.

So because my life sucks, a couple weeks ago I got very very ill. Fever, body aches, and just feeling like I had been hit by a truck. As it turns out, it was pneumonia, which was confirmed by x-ray.

I was out of work for a week, as it is rather hard to talk on the phones when you're coughing up blood. I was given two different types of antibiotics and told I absolutely needed rest. I didn't argue because anything more than taking a piss was too intense.

Today, during the middle of the shift, I was told that my employment was terminated due to attendance. I was one “point” over if I included the allowance for my disability accommodation. Had we had sick time instead of a bullshit point system, I would have been ok.

I have a close friend who works in politics who us going to help me fight against this as this is illegal per Colorado law. So, stay tuned I guess?

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