
And the hits just keep coming….

I posted my frustration about this before, but the long and the short of it is my company was acquired by a larger one last year. Obviously we get the “you’re part of a bigger family” dance and you’ll have more opportunity etc…. For the next nine months they pretty much ignored me. My “boss” had no use for me so after a few months he would stop answering emails, wouldn’t take my calls and eventually uninvited me from all team meetings. I only found out I was booted from him team when someone posted a work meeting on social media and I was the only one not there. I started asking questions and so on, even reached out to HR for answers and nothing. Eventually the VP of Sales reaches out for a meeting and appologizes it’s taken him so long to have a 1×1 with me and asks…

I posted my frustration about this before, but the long and the short of it is my company was acquired by a larger one last year. Obviously we get the “you’re part of a bigger family” dance and you’ll have more opportunity etc….

For the next nine months they pretty much ignored me. My “boss” had no use for me so after a few months he would stop answering emails, wouldn’t take my calls and eventually uninvited me from all team meetings. I only found out I was booted from him team when someone posted a work meeting on social media and I was the only one not there.

I started asking questions and so on, even reached out to HR for answers and nothing.

Eventually the VP of Sales reaches out for a meeting and appologizes it’s taken him so long to have a 1×1 with me and asks how’s it’s going. I tell him exactly what is happening. Either he’s an amazing actor or he really had no idea what was happening.

He does get the ball rolling and within 2 days I’m meeting with the head of HR who said they don’t have a roll for me in the previous department but they have “this job” for me and if I accept it etc….

It’s 100% a demotion but they say I’m not loosing any pay, but do lose some benefits which is the same. Fine I take the job do the training and just a few months in I’m utterly bored but working hard.

A position comes up that I know I’m qualified for based on a lot of my previous experience. Talk to my boss about it and she’s OK with me applying and helps me connect with someone else doing the job right now to get more info.

I meet with him and think “ya I can for sure do more this way”.

Put my application in, HR acknowledges it a few days later – then about 2hrs later I get an email saying I’m not being considered because I haven’t been in my current role for 1 full year…a job they put me in after ignoring me for almost a full year.

What’s worse is I’ve put in about 80 job applications since April, had 1 interview and most don’t even bother responding. I’ve had a few recruiters reach out – offering entry level salaries, less than I made 10 years ago with limited experience in the field and pre-COVID pricing…

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