
Angry? Read this.

We hate control, we hate hierarchy, we hate everything that arises from hierarchy. The uncertainty, the fear, eating cheaper, less nutritious food, and being fatigued from having to calculate how to spend or not spend each cent while watching entitled jerks being wasteful, extravagant and posting superficial shit on Instagram. Yes, we have been there. There was a time I was hungry, there was a time I took cold showers, and slept to the sound of wind whistling through my broken window. There was a time in which I used the same clothes for years, and had no health or dental or vision coverage, and lived paycheck to paycheck. And none of that was a choice. And there was frustration. And people tried to take advantage of it. Retail, tourism, finance tried to make me spend on shit I did not need. Consumerism and materialism, and debt. Fortunately I always…

We hate control, we hate hierarchy, we hate everything that arises from hierarchy. The uncertainty, the fear, eating cheaper, less nutritious food, and being fatigued from having to calculate how to spend or not spend each cent while watching entitled jerks being wasteful, extravagant and posting superficial shit on Instagram.

Yes, we have been there. There was a time I was hungry, there was a time I took cold showers, and slept to the sound of wind whistling through my broken window. There was a time in which I used the same clothes for years, and had no health or dental or vision coverage, and lived paycheck to paycheck. And none of that was a choice.

And there was frustration. And people tried to take advantage of it. Retail, tourism, finance tried to make me spend on shit I did not need. Consumerism and materialism, and debt. Fortunately I always despised the financial industry and resisted all the constant fucking omnidirectional spam trying to convince me to consume pointless shit.

Then there were politicians trying to channel my anger into their movement and in that way get support, funding and my vote. But I was smart enough to figure out there's shit they won't tell me.

Everything Bernie condemns is probably true. There are billionaires out there that own so much money that a tiny fraction of their wealth would alleviate all your problems for a long time. And if you saved money throughout your entire life you would never be able to make 1% of their wealth in most cases.

But there is something nobody wants to tell you and you don't want to hear it either. And that is… yes, society is a pyramid scheme, and what's worse, it has always been that way. It's exploitation. Of economical disadvantages, of geopolitical disadvantages, of information asymmetry. It has always been that way.

The American golden age is not coming back. The Bretton Woods system ended in 1971 and we all know what happened after that. Buying a house, raising a family, sending kids to college, and everything traditionally associated with the middle class: gone. Those days are not coming back.

Also, wealth redistribution doesn't work. If you give everyone a million dollars, a loaf of bread will cost a million dollars. The guy that climbs power lines, and the guy that works in sewers, and the guy that kills a cow at the slaughterhouse, and the guy that sprays pesticides at the farm, and the guy that collects the trash… none of them would need to work anymore.

Society would break immediately if we were to remove the pressure that make those people do those jobs. Money would be worth less and people would stop doing what's required to keep society functioning.

And that's because society is a scam, and it has always been. And no political ideology will change that no matter what is said, what is promised, or how ellaborate the arguments get. There is no solution. If the pressure stops, the house of cards comes down.

And people in your beloved Scandinavia buy stuff made in China. Their lifestyle is in part made possible by the systematic abuse of workers over there.

There will be always some form of abuse, either domestic or international, or an abuse of nature, or animals, etc. There is no solution. It's all a pyramid scheme. Things can improve for you but someone will still have to kill the cow at the slaughterhouse, and someone will still have to spray the crops at the farm and someone will still have to get on an unfinished building wearing a helmet that won't do shit to protect them from a fall from a 10th floor.

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