
Annoying Employers

So I've been out of work since COVID. I had been told I couldn't work for the school I was sub contracted for. So I was let go without warning. I was without work for 4 months I couldn't afford my car and house payment. A few weeks later my wife got sexually harassed at her job of 14 years. Eventually she quit because nothing was done when her supervisor was informed. When she went to a lawyer she was told they can't represent her because her employer is Homeland security. We eventually moved to Spain after selling everything. My kids had to learn Spanish it was not easy. So in Spain I have no education even though I have a college degree. Nobody wants to hire me even in jobs that need English speakers. Everything is so frustrating yes I want to work. No I don't want to work…

So I've been out of work since COVID. I had been told I couldn't work for the school I was sub contracted for. So I was let go without warning. I was without work for 4 months I couldn't afford my car and house payment.

A few weeks later my wife got sexually harassed at her job of 14 years. Eventually she quit because nothing was done when her supervisor was informed. When she went to a lawyer she was told they can't represent her because her employer is Homeland security.

We eventually moved to Spain after selling everything. My kids had to learn Spanish it was not easy. So in Spain I have no education even though I have a college degree. Nobody wants to hire me even in jobs that need English speakers. Everything is so frustrating yes I want to work. No I don't want to work if I can't have a living wage. I rather spend the time with my family than work to be broke.

Lesson for us. Before my wife never had time to be with the kids. She would be up at 2am to be at work at 3am and so tired she would crash until dinner time only to repeat the next day. She had the job because of the health benefits. I worked at a job I loved and hated. I did it for my students, my boss was difficult.

Now my wife makes breakfast for the kids every day and walks the kids to school. We don't have a car or need one. We have more family time. We have health care. The only stress we have is we can't find jobs. It cost about a thousand Euro to translate and transfer degrees and up to 3 years to get it official. Even then the job market is tough.

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