
Anti-micromanage boss took away my WFH privileges

I got hired at this place 8 months ago doing environmental consulting. They offered two days WFH when I was hired which was a perk since the commute has massive construction projects & wastes that much more of my day. I had done the same work at another firm so there wasn’t much of a learning curve. Upon hire everyone said how lax the company is. Some dude leaves at lunch every day to WFH half day. My department counterpart has two days WFH. All I was told was to make sure my calendar is updated. So if I had a doc appointment or something away from the office, I would leave for the appointment & WFH the remainder of the day like my coworkers do. Well that apparently became a problem & my boss cut it down to one day. He wanted to see ass in seat 8 hours…

I got hired at this place 8 months ago doing environmental consulting. They offered two days WFH when I was hired which was a perk since the commute has massive construction projects & wastes that much more of my day. I had done the same work at another firm so there wasn’t much of a learning curve.

Upon hire everyone said how lax the company is. Some dude leaves at lunch every day to WFH half day. My department counterpart has two days WFH. All I was told was to make sure my calendar is updated. So if I had a doc appointment or something away from the office, I would leave for the appointment & WFH the remainder of the day like my coworkers do.

Well that apparently became a problem & my boss cut it down to one day. He wanted to see ass in seat 8 hours a day. Which I get. But also up until that point all of my deliverables had been met on a time with good quality. Did the whole team player thing & took on extra work as well which I’m handling.

At my annual review today it was expressed that they don’t believe how much I’m actually working when at home even though I always put in 8 hours one way or another & my work shows it. Was told I do great work & communicate issues well. But my desk is in a high traffic area and I end up wasting more time talking here than I do at home.

So now I have to be in the office 5 days a week to not improve actual performance but an illusion or at least my boss’s ego. On top of three coworkers quitting recently & not backfilling so I have that much more work to do. The daily commuters in my office each hate their home lives & complain about kids. I have no real distractions and live alone. So it’s kind of ironic. I’m going to start looking elsewhere.

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