
Anti USA

This sub has just become “I just got back from Europe and USA sucks” or “I'm a European and I've heard that the USA sucks” The US isn't the worst place for workers rights, Europe and Canada are not much different. Get mad all you want and downvote me to hell; but you're comparing visiting country's versus living/working in one. I have friends in Europe and Canada and they struggle with the same shit us US citizens struggle with. If you want to talk about rising prices, ask and Canadian about their housing situation and how 90% of people cannot afford to own their own home. Or ask Europeans about their fuel bills the past couple years. Yea USA has a lot wrong with it and that's what we want to change here. BUT blasting these comparisons without true facts is absurd. I saw one post about how big cities…

This sub has just become “I just got back from Europe and USA sucks” or “I'm a European and I've heard that the USA sucks”
The US isn't the worst place for workers rights, Europe and Canada are not much different. Get mad all you want and downvote me to hell; but you're comparing visiting country's versus living/working in one.

I have friends in Europe and Canada and they struggle with the same shit us US citizens struggle with.
If you want to talk about rising prices, ask and Canadian about their housing situation and how 90% of people cannot afford to own their own home. Or ask Europeans about their fuel bills the past couple years.

Yea USA has a lot wrong with it and that's what we want to change here. BUT blasting these comparisons without true facts is absurd. I saw one post about how big cities in Europe have cheaper things than cities in the USA and how America is DOOMED because of that; that statement has nothing to back it up and doesn't prop up the DOOMED rhetoric either. If you are comparing how THINGS are cheaper in one country, please list these THINGS. As far as actual facts, the EURO is losing power, USA still has the world's strongest economy, the percentage of people able to buy a house in the USA is still greater, and we have a more diverse economy/social landscape.


Tldr: People say “USA WORST THAN ANYWHERE, ITS GOING TO BE DOOMED” – this sub is about anti work and last I checked Europe is not the bastion of Antiwork. USA needs work but still not as bad as these Doom Sayers want.

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