
Anti work?

So I have a live-easy work ethic and pride myself on being able to confidently quit a job after feeling I have accumulated too much baggage during the time whether this is over-sharing with colleagues and gaining too heavy of a social aspect which in turn makes it more difficult for me day to day or just getting bored of the job and hopping onto the next. One difficult thing is I try and manipulate situations to take sick days when I get burned out and am very aware of how much I can push it while working as little as possible and also making sure the bills are paid every month. I’m sure stability would be a better option but at the moment I’ve learnt it better for my mental health to not force myself to go to a job because obviously my subconscious has decided for me already.…

So I have a live-easy work ethic and pride myself on being able to confidently quit a job after feeling I have accumulated too much baggage during the time whether this is over-sharing with colleagues and gaining too heavy of a social aspect which in turn makes it more difficult for me day to day or just getting bored of the job and hopping onto the next.

One difficult thing is I try and manipulate situations to take sick days when I get burned out and am very aware of how much I can push it while working as little as possible and also making sure the bills are paid every month.
I’m sure stability would be a better option but at the moment I’ve learnt it better for my mental health to not force myself to go to a job because obviously my subconscious has decided for me already.

I just wanted to share this as I’m going back to work tomorrow after a long period of being off sick and due to poor communication at work I only notified the boss on day 1 and said I’d be in the next day for sure then proceeded to take a further 3 days off however I feel ready to go back tomorrow and may work overtime on the weekend to make up for the days I’ve missed out on this week.

I am aiming to work the whole week through if they don’t fire me tomorrow but I’m in the process of applying for positions that would maybe be more bearable as after the first week new-ness of it wore off it’s been like torture watching the clock.
I’m going to get my act together…

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