
Anti-work content on Tiktok

It’s lacking… The face of anti-work culture shouldn’t be people who make as much money as higher-ups in corporate but do so in an unconventional way (artist, business entrepreneur) and can then afford to live off grid or whatever else. These people also say “I want to make as much money possible working as little hours possible” as if that’s a rare thing to believe. I never see people who work regular jobs making regular money and have hobbies on the side. People who aren’t making money off their passions because they can’t yet or don’t want to. Normal people.

It’s lacking…

The face of anti-work culture shouldn’t be people who make as much money as higher-ups in corporate but do so in an unconventional way (artist, business entrepreneur) and can then afford to live off grid or whatever else. These people also say “I want to make as much money
possible working as little hours possible” as if that’s a rare thing to believe.

I never see people who work regular jobs making regular money and have hobbies on the side. People who aren’t making money off their passions because they can’t yet or don’t want to. Normal people.

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