
Antiwork action?

There are a lot of posts on the subreddit with people complaining about or trying to come to terms with hierarchy in the workplace. Occasionally, we even get some good theory posts as well. What I want to know is, what can be done to build power? How do you advance the goals of anti work, and create a world we're working doesn't take up the majority of a person's life? Unionization is one answer, but some people are already unionized, and I'm not working in a place where unionization is an option. Some people have suggested individual acts of resistance (e.g. act your wage), but that's not really a coordinated effort to Build a better world. I guess my question is how can the ideal of antiwork be turned into a social movement with power?

There are a lot of posts on the subreddit with people complaining about or trying to come to terms with hierarchy in the workplace. Occasionally, we even get some good theory posts as well. What I want to know is, what can be done to build power? How do you advance the goals of anti work, and create a world we're working doesn't take up the majority of a person's life?

Unionization is one answer, but some people are already unionized, and I'm not working in a place where unionization is an option. Some people have suggested individual acts of resistance (e.g. act your wage), but that's not really a coordinated effort to Build a better world. I guess my question is how can the ideal of antiwork be turned into a social movement with power?

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