
Antiwork Sales Bros

I sell software. Please, please tell me that some of you anti work people are in sales. There must be dozens of us. DOZENS!! To be frank (and maybe a bit conceited), my experience is that people in sales are generally too small-minded to be antiwork. On the contrary, sales people are the most pro-work people in existence. They are dumb enough to believe in the “grind” and love equating work achievements to sports or war or some other deep sense of illusory greatness. “This athlete came from nothing and overcame all adversity to win the big championship. It's just like me making an extra sale to pass my quota, beat someone else on my team, and make my company richer! All at the expense of some poor saps who I had to mercilessly terrorize through dishonest, high-pressure tactics to achieve my goals and not theirs! Yay! I'm a winner!”…

I sell software. Please, please tell me that some of you anti work people are in sales. There must be dozens of us. DOZENS!!

To be frank (and maybe a bit conceited), my experience is that people in sales are generally too small-minded to be antiwork. On the contrary, sales people are the most pro-work people in existence. They are dumb enough to believe in the “grind” and love equating work achievements to sports or war or some other deep sense of illusory greatness.

“This athlete came from nothing and overcame all adversity to win the big championship. It's just like me making an extra sale to pass my quota, beat someone else on my team, and make my company richer! All at the expense of some poor saps who I had to mercilessly terrorize through dishonest, high-pressure tactics to achieve my goals and not theirs! Yay! I'm a winner!”

My working theory: smart sales people are antiwork. That's why they don't stay in sales for long. Once your eyes are opened it gets extremely hard to stay. My excuse for continuing to subject myself to this demeaning torture is the classic golden handcuffs–I got in early and got a fat stack of valuable shares. I feel like a sellout . . . but today I'm feeling like a lonely sell-out. Help.

Tl;dr: I'm a dumb sales guy, but I'm at least smart enough to be anti work. Are sales people generally too stupid to be anti work? Thoughts?

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