
Antiworkers with disabilities, what’s the craziest thing an employer or coworker has said to you about your disability?

My district manager from a few years ago was upset with me for showing up 15 minutes late to open. I understand not wanting people to be late, but I explained to her that I had a very low blood sugar soon before I had to leave for work. Driving with a low blood sugar is equivalent to driving drunk. I explained that to her as I had type 1 diabetes for over a decade at that point. She tried to tell me that I need to start waking up earlier. I had no clue what she meant by that so I asked her to explain. She said her niece also has diabetes and that low blood sugars are only caused by stress, so her conclusion was that I was rushing to get ready for work, which caused me stress, which caused a low blood sugar. I told her that…

My district manager from a few years ago was upset with me for showing up 15 minutes late to open. I understand not wanting people to be late, but I explained to her that I had a very low blood sugar soon before I had to leave for work. Driving with a low blood sugar is equivalent to driving drunk. I explained that to her as I had type 1 diabetes for over a decade at that point. She tried to tell me that I need to start waking up earlier. I had no clue what she meant by that so I asked her to explain. She said her niece also has diabetes and that low blood sugars are only caused by stress, so her conclusion was that I was rushing to get ready for work, which caused me stress, which caused a low blood sugar. I told her that is not how that works and I was not running late until I started to get dizzy and had to wait for the sugar to hit my blood stream before I put myself and others in danger by getting behind the wheel. Same manager that laughed at me when I told her that my staff was sexually harassing me 🫠

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