
anxiety thinking about going to work

i don’t necessarily hate my job, it’s an overnight stocking job at a retail store. but with every single job i ever have, i always get to a point where i can’t go into work anymore because my panic attacks before work are too bad. every time i get a new job it takes less and less time for it to get to this point. 2 jobs ago it took 6 months to give me panic attacks, my last job took 2 1/2 months to give me panic attacks, and i’ve only been at my current job for 1 month and i’ve already been calling in multiple times. i don’t know what to do anymore or how i can “fix” myself. if anyone has advice or helpful info that would be great.

i don’t necessarily hate my job, it’s an overnight stocking job at a retail store. but with every single job i ever have, i always get to a point where i can’t go into work anymore because my panic attacks before work are too bad. every time i get a new job it takes less and less time for it to get to this point. 2 jobs ago it took 6 months to give me panic attacks, my last job took 2 1/2 months to give me panic attacks, and i’ve only been at my current job for 1 month and i’ve already been calling in multiple times. i don’t know what to do anymore or how i can “fix” myself. if anyone has advice or helpful info that would be great.

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