
Any “old” (30+), taken just “any job” like retail (can’t find anything else)? How bad is it?

Bum liberal arts degree. Self employed for last 7 years (day trader) till I ran bad last couple of years. Kept trying to revenge trade, kept losing, accumulated CC debit. Feels bad. So while I'm searching for that “decent” job to give me a chance with almost a decade of non-relevant work history and a worthless liberal arts degree; I can't help but notice that most jobs pay at least $15/hour (minimum wage is $7.xx here). Target, wal greens/cvs, grocery stores, etc. I mean, $15/hour is not terrible. My wife makes about double that so we'd be OK. Beats paying my half of bills with credit cards every month. Anyone been down this path and can share some experiences. Going into a retail job stocking groceries or something just to get some money coming in. Imagine I'd be 10-20 years older than my co-workers. Would be mortified to see someone…

Bum liberal arts degree.

Self employed for last 7 years (day trader) till I ran bad last couple of years. Kept trying to revenge trade, kept losing, accumulated CC debit. Feels bad.

So while I'm searching for that “decent” job to give me a chance with almost a decade of non-relevant work history and a worthless liberal arts degree; I can't help but notice that most jobs pay at least $15/hour (minimum wage is $7.xx here). Target, wal greens/cvs, grocery stores, etc.

I mean, $15/hour is not terrible. My wife makes about double that so we'd be OK. Beats paying my half of bills with credit cards every month.

Anyone been down this path and can share some experiences. Going into a retail job stocking groceries or something just to get some money coming in.

Imagine I'd be 10-20 years older than my co-workers.

Would be mortified to see someone I know. Would be mortified for my wife's family to find out I'm stocking groceries or something.

Would have to lie to family members about what I'm doing bc they are posh AF and I'd get mega trolled.

But CC debt feels just as bad.

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