
Any old man with wisdom to imbue?

I'm late thirties, trained in entertainment industry before it fell down its own social media asshole of weirdness….I scraped by pretty good from the middle of last decade to the end of it. Then a health scare fucked that up and I retrained in tech and work in that field in a corporate place that pays very well but is horrible…. If you've seen the movie OFFICE SPACE – I basically work there. SO I've had mental illness (properly diagnosed anxiety and medicated on and off) and my Mrs is pregnant (she hasn't worked for a while similar mental issues to me, but has been studying towards something that will give her work life more meaning than corporate drone). We are happy but terrified (TERRIFIED) and anxious and I'm having panic attacks every day which the job isn't helping because I regularly have to answer to my bosses bosses boss…

I'm late thirties, trained in entertainment industry before it fell down its own social media asshole of weirdness….I scraped by pretty good from the middle of last decade to the end of it.

Then a health scare fucked that up and I retrained in tech and work in that field in a corporate place that pays very well but is horrible…. If you've seen the movie OFFICE SPACE – I basically work there.

SO I've had mental illness (properly diagnosed anxiety and medicated on and off) and my Mrs is pregnant (she hasn't worked for a while similar mental issues to me, but has been studying towards something that will give her work life more meaning than corporate drone). We are happy but terrified (TERRIFIED) and anxious and I'm having panic attacks every day which the job isn't helping because I regularly have to answer to my bosses bosses boss because they are scared to tell him hes an idiot and cant get random deliverables that he decides he wants in dumb timeframes (the entire place is a big circus of corporate speak nonsense).

I'm lucky enough to have some savings, and expenses could be covered for quite a long time by a job at a cafe or some similarly good but socially deemed 'dead end' job.

I'm really considering nopeing out of corporate zombie land and resetting myself for six months in some chill job before I end up welcoming a kid into the world by having a decent bank balance, but also a nervous breakdown and losing the house I overpaid for because i have to be institutionalized.

Any thoughts welcome. Am I making a mistake and should just laugh at the job til I'm fired or manage to sneak by playing corporate games? Or should I listen to my gut and GTFO to a land where blood pressure is low and money is scarce?

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