
Any suggestions on how to ask to go part time?

I currently wfh and I also have a little side business that’s doing ok but not enough to support me just yet. I’m moving in with my fiancé next year and that’s going to give me some wiggle room financially. I want to go part time to focus more on my little business, but obviously I can’t tell my employer that. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to approach the subject without giving much info? I’ve never gone down to part time before.

I currently wfh and I also have a little side business that’s doing ok but not enough to support me just yet.
I’m moving in with my fiancé next year and that’s going to give me some wiggle room financially. I want to go part time to focus more on my little business, but obviously I can’t tell my employer that.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to approach the subject without giving much info? I’ve never gone down to part time before.

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