
Anyone else actually don’t mind their job but have a moody boss that makes you debate quitting?

Ive been at my current job for almost 5 years now – the work is semi independent, I’m hybrid with some days home and some days in office, and my coworkers are decent. Seems ok right? Well…. Almost. My boss is super moody. The littlest things will send him screaming and yelling. It’s never consistent and always unpredictable. This makes him difficult to navigate and predict. Today while asking for his help understanding something he was getting increasingly irritated at my list of questions trying to make sure I fully understood so I wouldn’t need to bother him again. Eventually he snapped saying “I don’t have time for all this, you’ll need to come back later!”. Needless to say I’m terrified to ask when the “right time later” is. Seems like it should be so easy – just knock on his door later and ask if now is a good…

Ive been at my current job for almost 5 years now – the work is semi independent, I’m hybrid with some days home and some days in office, and my coworkers are decent.

Seems ok right? Well…. Almost.

My boss is super moody. The littlest things will send him screaming and yelling. It’s never consistent and always unpredictable.

This makes him difficult to navigate and predict.

Today while asking for his help understanding something he was getting increasingly irritated at my list of questions trying to make sure I fully understood so I wouldn’t need to bother him again.

Eventually he snapped saying “I don’t have time for all this, you’ll need to come back later!”.

Needless to say I’m terrified to ask when the “right time later” is.

Seems like it should be so easy – just knock on his door later and ask if now is a good time right?

Nope. He’ll bite your head off without warning ‘NO! Can’t you see I’m tied up with x, y, z?!’ Has been the outburst response many a time. Embarrassing you in front of the entire office who stays quiet listening pretending it isn’t happening.

It’s not isolated to just me either…there have been many complaints to HR from others on the receiving end of his outbursts. Nothing gets done. People end up leaving or go cry in the bathroom then pull it together and get back to work. It’s just how he is BUT he’s really good at his job so he’s not going anywhere.

He never crosses the line of saying something to get terminated immediately – it’s always the unwarranted angry yelling which is disrespect in and of itself IMO but not anything you can fire over I guess?

This job is good in many other ways, but I’m not sure how much longer I can handle the emotional backlash.

Can anyone relate?

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