
Anyone else ever have the observation that middle management are sort of the “house slaves” of the metaphorical corporate plantation?

AKA the “Uncle Tom.” Still a slave, forced to carry out the orders and do the dirty work the master says without questioning. The foot soldiers of the corporate ladder, one step above the rest of us without much power. Main job is to just keep the rest of us in line and under the foot, squash any attempt at organizing or pushing back. They were probably one of us not too long ago before they did what they had to for the promotion. They don't get paid anywhere near the top people, but just enough so that they don't think of themselves as one of us, and don't side with our interests. Doing whatever they are asked putting corporate interests above the labor to save their ass because they don't want to go back. Decided to play the game and “join them.” Anyway, the comparison has crossed my mind…

AKA the “Uncle Tom.” Still a slave, forced to carry out the orders and do the dirty work the master says without questioning. The foot soldiers of the corporate ladder, one step above the rest of us without much power. Main job is to just keep the rest of us in line and under the foot, squash any attempt at organizing or pushing back. They were probably one of us not too long ago before they did what they had to for the promotion. They don't get paid anywhere near the top people, but just enough so that they don't think of themselves as one of us, and don't side with our interests. Doing whatever they are asked putting corporate interests above the labor to save their ass because they don't want to go back. Decided to play the game and “join them.” Anyway, the comparison has crossed my mind a few times in the past.

Edit: Out of respect for the subject matter, it dawned on me immediately after posting that not all house slaves would necessarily have been “Uncle Tom’s.” Just for clarification.

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