
Anyone else find it absolutely asinine…

That people who make 3x or more in an hour what the average employee makes in a week, will make these grand gestures of virtue signaling (ie. Promoting a bake sale at their company to raise money for cancer kids) but will then turn around an tell employees they are expected to supply the baked goods to be sold at their own expense and act like you're the bad guy if its not within your budget to do so? Like when did it become the employees responsibility to provide the extras an employer has promised to the public?

That people who make 3x or more in an hour what the average employee makes in a week, will make these grand gestures of virtue signaling (ie. Promoting a bake sale at their company to raise money for cancer kids) but will then turn around an tell employees they are expected to supply the baked goods to be sold at their own expense and act like you're the bad guy if its not within your budget to do so? Like when did it become the employees responsibility to provide the extras an employer has promised to the public?

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