
Anyone else had a job where the management always decides to do the exact opposite of what a regular worker suggests, almost on purpose?

Wasn't sure how common this is but I've had a more than just a couple jobs where you have an idea at work about how some process or procedure should work or could work better, you submit this idea officially in a meeting, management collects the information, and days later a decision is made that is the exact opposite of what was suggested. You try that again with another idea, they decide the opposite again. And again. And it almost makes you wonder if reverse psychology would work with submitting ideas where you submit the idea you specifically do not want so that management chooses the exact thing you do want.

Wasn't sure how common this is but I've had a more than just a couple jobs where you have an idea at work about how some process or procedure should work or could work better, you submit this idea officially in a meeting, management collects the information, and days later a decision is made that is the exact opposite of what was suggested.

You try that again with another idea, they decide the opposite again.

And again.

And it almost makes you wonder if reverse psychology would work with submitting ideas where you submit the idea you specifically do not want so that management chooses the exact thing you do want.

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