
Anyone else have to pay for parking at work?

I work at a job that deducts a monthly parking fee from my paycheck. I already make $11.50 per hour and we're expected to fill extra positions because we're understaffed. Not only that, but I'm trapped here. I've put in for other job postings, but get turned down all the time. I read somewhere that parking fees aren't tax deductible, but I wasn't sure if that was true or not. Anyone else have this policy at their company? Is it even legal?

I work at a job that deducts a monthly parking fee from my paycheck. I already make $11.50 per hour and we're expected to fill extra positions because we're understaffed. Not only that, but I'm trapped here. I've put in for other job postings, but get turned down all the time. I read somewhere that parking fees aren't tax deductible, but I wasn't sure if that was true or not. Anyone else have this policy at their company? Is it even legal?

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