
Anyone else notice this?

I am in my late twenties. After the pandemic, I switched from working in Healthcare to pursuing jobs in Admin. I also had retail jobs part time in between to make ends meet. I've worked with a lot of young people and I honestly always loved working with them. They really are not as catty and small minded as other age groups. I can deal with innocent self obsession. It's the cattiness and mind games I can't stand. I have noticed that women in the middle age group can be extremely hard to work with. The woman above me seems to withhold knowledge and information that would make me a better employee and more of an asset to the company. I am baffled by how little these women are interested in training me, and it seems as though they want to hoard all of the value. I say this only…

I am in my late twenties. After the pandemic, I switched from working in Healthcare to pursuing jobs in Admin. I also had retail jobs part time in between to make ends meet. I've worked with a lot of young people and I honestly always loved working with them. They really are not as catty and small minded as other age groups. I can deal with innocent self obsession. It's the cattiness and mind games I can't stand.

I have noticed that women in the middle age group can be extremely hard to work with. The woman above me seems to withhold knowledge and information that would make me a better employee and more of an asset to the company. I am baffled by how little these women are interested in training me, and it seems as though they want to hoard all of the value. I say this only because my most recent higher up would use that exact phrase constantly. She was not my boss but the executive assistant. She would constantly make remarks like “I'm just more valuable than others” and anytime my manager taught her a new task it would be “JUST MAKES ME MORE VALUABLE!”

Does anyone else experience this? My therapist said it is something she notices a lot in that age group. I also find older women much worse for gossip, backstabbing and overall being resentful for no reason.

I have no kids. I'm happily married. I set boundaries at work and I am not into the whole “we are a family” thing and I won't even pretend to be. I feel that when I politely decline pizza or an after work event, I'm committing a crime.

I feel like I am facing consequences for wanting to be treated like a human being. Anyone else?

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