
Anyone ever post in another sub and find yourself surprised at the sheer number of suggestions from others to do more work, do the jobs of other people for them, etc.? Madness.

I posted in another sub about a job-related annoyance I'm experiencing, and rather than getting comments from people commiserating that they may have been in the same situation, being supportive, etc., instead, I get suggestions to take on more responsibilities than I have access or knowledge to do and do the work of a project manager, even though we have an official PMO and have a PM assigned. I would've posted here, but this was more of a specific situation at my job that isn't making it a horrible place to be, per se, so I didn't think it necessarily was the ideal post for this sub. I wound up getting several upvotes on my post only to get a bunch of downvotes later, too. Odd. I'm just flabbergasted at the lack of questioning people do when things are silly or annoying at work, and instead, they make suggestions for…

I posted in another sub about a job-related annoyance I'm experiencing, and rather than getting comments from people commiserating that they may have been in the same situation, being supportive, etc., instead, I get suggestions to take on more responsibilities than I have access or knowledge to do and do the work of a project manager, even though we have an official PMO and have a PM assigned. I would've posted here, but this was more of a specific situation at my job that isn't making it a horrible place to be, per se, so I didn't think it necessarily was the ideal post for this sub. I wound up getting several upvotes on my post only to get a bunch of downvotes later, too. Odd.

I'm just flabbergasted at the lack of questioning people do when things are silly or annoying at work, and instead, they make suggestions for people like me, who are questioning those things, to take on roles that are not my job role, to provide status updates when there are none, to seek out more work, etc. Maybe I'm just too “anti-work” for some of the other subs specific to my job and life experiences.

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