
Anyone figured out a job that isn’t stressful and draining? Or any tips for how to make work life easier?

I'm pretty sure very job I've had I get severly burnt out from the expectations, from the triggers (cptsd), from socialising all day (social anxiety), from overstimulation of senses and constant readiness. Life is just not fullfilling and is a constant struggle to keep going as I can't see how life is worth sacrifing my mental and physical wellbeing in a job I hate for money to keep alive. I'm currently a ta in school as I have worked with kids before and I enjoyed it but I'm finding it absolutely takes all energy from me and I cannot give as much as I'd want. Its a shame as I really do have fun teaching kids but it's all too much. I'm defeated every day and two days off is not enough. I try do nice things but my body and mind are so tired I just want to rot…

I'm pretty sure very job I've had I get severly burnt out from the expectations, from the triggers (cptsd), from socialising all day (social anxiety), from overstimulation of senses and constant readiness. Life is just not fullfilling and is a constant struggle to keep going as I can't see how life is worth sacrifing my mental and physical wellbeing in a job I hate for money to keep alive.

I'm currently a ta in school as I have worked with kids before and I enjoyed it but I'm finding it absolutely takes all energy from me and I cannot give as much as I'd want. Its a shame as I really do have fun teaching kids but it's all too much. I'm defeated every day and two days off is not enough. I try do nice things but my body and mind are so tired I just want to rot in bed.

I quit my previous job in social care bc while it was fullfilling, I worked ridulous hours and it was very stressful and ended in a meltdown. I was unemployed for three months in very low mood. i wasn't ready to go back work but I was getting in debt and eating poorly (benefits hardly cover anything). I've done customer service jobs before but customers (and staff tbh) were so rude I couldn't handle it. I just feel jobs aren't accomodating for neurodiverse people. Ideally I'd love a room at work where I could just go and sit in the quiet and regulate (and not in the toilets although that is where I used to go for panic attacks but it was gross). And to only work less than four days a week but still have enough money where I'm not struggling to pay bills. I'm not sure if a remote job would be best for me either as I live alone (having flatmate was too anxiety inducing) and tend to isolate if I'm in a depression spiral so I don't think that would be healthy. And those warehouse kind of jobs I would overthink and its not fullfilling at all. I just don't know where to turn. I feel I don't fit in this world.

I think this was more a venting overshare but if anyone does read this and has any example of jobs or any tips that help manage working I'd be grateful.

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