
Anyone have exotic payroll issues and having to quit job over it?

The company I work for has had a month and a half worth of payroll issues for me on their end and I have only got half my pay in cash. I am pretty sure I have decided the money I side hustled just to pay to get to work this weekend might be better used towards better things like money (bus and Uber) for job hunting and using community resources rather than going to work at a place that has no sense of urgency in fixing their payroll issues and dancing around things with me. I signed 2 contracts per paycheck, saying I would pay them back when I get my proper pay but.. idk something tells me it's going to a pulling teeth situation. I'm debating on calling them Friday afternoon to tell them I can't work not knowing whether I will be getting paid or not after…

The company I work for has had a month and a half worth of payroll issues for me on their end and I have only got half my pay in cash.

I am pretty sure I have decided the money I side hustled just to pay to get to work this weekend might be better used towards better things like money (bus and Uber) for job hunting and using community resources rather than going to work at a place that has no sense of urgency in fixing their payroll issues and dancing around things with me.

I signed 2 contracts per paycheck, saying I would pay them back when I get my proper pay but.. idk something tells me it's going to a pulling teeth situation. I'm debating on calling them Friday afternoon to tell them I can't work not knowing whether I will be getting paid or not after 6 weeks of this. Regardless of o get s couple jobs I've been after or not. I feel like what's the point in spending my resources on a non guaranteed income..

I digress… Idk.. I just feel like they are going to give me a hard time about EVERYTHING. When I call them to quit on Friday.. do I inform them:

” I am just calling to let you know, though I appreciate how flexible you guys have been on my schedule, I cannot continue to work when I don't even know that I will have any sort of paycheck, as I shouldn't have to pull teeth for even a fraction of it in cash. I am also reporting this to (insert state department that handles this issue). ”

Anything else I should/shouldn't say? Another way to word it?

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