
Anyone here in Alberta, Canada want help getting into the trades?

If you've ever thought about it but really don't know what the first steps are, how to even go about starting the process I can be your friendly neighborhood actual human being to talk to. I don't want to ramble on just to find out nobody else on here in from AB but if you are then comment and talk to me! Basically registering as an apprentice was the best decision I've made in a long time. It took me a while to figure out how to make it happen though. Between having all the other crap in my life to deal with it was hard to figure this out. So anyone else who thinks a career in the trades might be more beneficial than their current employment situation, but has too much crap going on in their lives to figure it out by themselves I can help you figure…

If you've ever thought about it but really don't know what the first steps are, how to even go about starting the process I can be your friendly neighborhood actual human being to talk to.

I don't want to ramble on just to find out nobody else on here in from AB but if you are then comment and talk to me! Basically registering as an apprentice was the best decision I've made in a long time. It took me a while to figure out how to make it happen though. Between having all the other crap in my life to deal with it was hard to figure this out. So anyone else who thinks a career in the trades might be more beneficial than their current employment situation, but has too much crap going on in their lives to figure it out by themselves I can help you figure it out. Anyone who might be marginally interested I might be able to convince you it's easy and cheap enough to be worth looking into. It took me enough time to figure out this was the best choice for me and to follow through. Maybe I can help somebody else get (back) on track sooner rather than later.

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