

My situation is common (I think), but no one seems to give an answer that I've resonated with irl, so what better place to seek resolution than here – right?! So, to cut to the chase, I'm currently working for a finance company as a business analyst, after several years of working for the same company. I started out in an entry level data entry job, worked a few more jobs in various departments, became a team leader and then eventually landed where I am today. In a way I'm proud of the way I've been able to develop myself and managed to achieve various promotions to get to where I am within the same company, but at the same time I'm extremely consciously aware that I'm not valued (at least monetarily) as much as I should be due to the fact that I've been an internal hire, as opposed…

My situation is common (I think), but no one seems to give an answer that I've resonated with irl, so what better place to seek resolution than here – right?!

So, to cut to the chase, I'm currently working for a finance company as a business analyst, after several years of working for the same company. I started out in an entry level data entry job, worked a few more jobs in various departments, became a team leader and then eventually landed where I am today.

In a way I'm proud of the way I've been able to develop myself and managed to achieve various promotions to get to where I am within the same company, but at the same time I'm extremely consciously aware that I'm not valued (at least monetarily) as much as I should be due to the fact that I've been an internal hire, as opposed to external. I'm paid below the average salary of a business analyst would be elsewhere – and I believe this fuels part of my feelings towards my current situation.

In short, I'm 32, engaged, have two kids and recently got a mortgage – and I am miserable working. I feel stuck, if I don't work, we'll struggle financially – if I continue working, I'll be miserable.

I've always been one to jump out of my comfort zone, but I just can't help feeling this job isn't for me. I'm not taking to it like I did the previous roles, and I feel that my support network at work is poor. Those I was closest to have either moved to other companies, or work in completely different departments.

Whenever I bring my situation up with people around me, they tell me to look for other employment. Whilst I agree that this is the answer for those who are miserable in their current job, I just can't entertain it. Believe me – I've tried. I've gone down every single avenue of job searches and can't find a single one that jumps out at me, or that gets me motivated. I have absolutely zero motivation to work ever again – but I'm trapped due to financial obligations. I don't know what to do. I get that this is just 'life', right? But it shouldn't be – this situation is ridiculous.

I think this is more me venting rather than asking for solid advice, but if anyone who found themselves in similar circumstances could share their story, I'd be down for reading it and hopefully taking some inspiration from it.

Thanks for reading.

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