
Apologies for me to intervening,

…I come here, 17 years old. Seeing that America has gone to absolute SHIT and IS NOT BACK. I want to give you all something The EU has the right idea when it comes to sick leave and such. America doesn't force this EU idea. Even this is illegal, and no one can do a damn thing about it. Do ya want to know something? From an Outsiders point of view, this is HIGHLY unethical, but if you're part of the Higher ups, like supervisors, and managers? To them, it's Ethical. I swear to FUCK someone has to set america straight at this point! Im pissed, the Entire r/antiwork subreddit is pissed, yet we do JACK. SHIT about it. Im not calling for violence. We need to find a damn way to fix this. Soon, or it will become Irrepairable.

…I come here, 17 years old. Seeing that America has gone to absolute SHIT and IS NOT BACK.
I want to give you all something
The EU has the right idea when it comes to sick leave and such.
America doesn't force this EU idea. Even this is illegal, and no one can do a damn thing about it.
Do ya want to know something? From an Outsiders point of view, this is HIGHLY unethical, but if you're part of the Higher ups, like supervisors, and managers? To them, it's Ethical. I swear to FUCK someone has to set america straight at this point! Im pissed, the Entire r/antiwork subreddit is pissed, yet we do JACK. SHIT about it. Im not calling for violence. We need to find a damn way to fix this. Soon, or it will become Irrepairable.

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