
Apparently everyone knew that I was supposed to be in work yesterday, except me.

I am out there, enjoying life, given the days off I was meant to, on a train. Supervisor rings: “Are you coming in at all, it's gone 12? There is a delivery” Me: …”Say what now? I'm not on until the weekend??” S: “Boss changed the roster, didn't you see? Yes. But only my coworker seemed affected from what I saw on your texts, I'll come in tomorrow to make up for it” Some hours later I walk into the store and sort out their confusion, they seem to be under the impression that “flexi time” means “calling me at the 11th hour to disrupt my personal time” They just naturally assumed that I would immediately check the roster to see if I was on or not. If they texted or rang to ask, it would have been way easier. I am also put on weekends, solely so the manager…

I am out there, enjoying life, given the days off I was meant to, on a train.

Supervisor rings: “Are you coming in at all, it's gone 12? There is a delivery”

Me: …”Say what now? I'm not on until the weekend??”

S: “Boss changed the roster, didn't you see? Yes. But only my coworker seemed affected from what I saw on your texts, I'll come in tomorrow to make up for it”

Some hours later I walk into the store and sort out their confusion, they seem to be under the impression that “flexi time” means “calling me at the 11th hour to disrupt my personal time”

They just naturally assumed that I would immediately check the roster to see if I was on or not. If they texted or rang to ask, it would have been way easier.

I am also put on weekends, solely so the manager can have asinine chats with a student that works there, there is friendly productive work-chat then there is just chatting at work while someone picks up the slack

The hours are also terrible.

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