
Apparently my boss takes the words of others over his workers

Recently there was an incident at the end of work where a few coworkers and I were leaving at the same time and according to the golfer who complained it was an employee driving a dark vehicle and blaring music. So boss man went on a tiff about that and chewed out the two he suspected it was immediately. Here's the thing though, no one was playing loud music. If it was just being loud and obnoxious we should've gotten complaints ages ago because multiple cars were loud as fuck when accelerating. But apparently instead of trying to get to the bottom of it first he jumped to conclusions immediately. What's even better is I have a dash camera and there was literally no golfer in sight of us as we pulled out. Meaning the golfer who complained assumed it was a worker. And I've learned the golfers around here…

Recently there was an incident at the end of work where a few coworkers and I were leaving at the same time and according to the golfer who complained it was an employee driving a dark vehicle and blaring music.

So boss man went on a tiff about that and chewed out the two he suspected it was immediately.

Here's the thing though, no one was playing loud music. If it was just being loud and obnoxious we should've gotten complaints ages ago because multiple cars were loud as fuck when accelerating.

But apparently instead of trying to get to the bottom of it first he jumped to conclusions immediately.

What's even better is I have a dash camera and there was literally no golfer in sight of us as we pulled out. Meaning the golfer who complained assumed it was a worker. And I've learned the golfers around here are whiner than a teenage girl on her period. Meaning they could be exaggerating and blaming others for a bad putt.

And I wish I was exaggerating. I've gotten accused at yelling at golfers before and probably would've been fired if all the people in charge didn't actually know me. They just didn't like that I was asking them to stop doing something

Actually could anyone even be fired for a noise complaint that happened when we were off the clock just on the property?

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