
Applied for night cleaner, got the job as a shift manager.

A few months ago, I had applied to a movie theater to be the midnight cleaner. I would be able to take my time, be alone, not have to deal with people. The day after my interview, the GM who interviewed me had offered me a shift manager position with a higher pay. I took the position but realized shortly after that I'm not cut for the position. On my first day, the GM that interviewed me had quit due to not getting paid enough (she was getting paid less than $40k per year and her boss could offer her an extra $80 per year). That first month was being trained poorly by 3 shift managers who were already on their way out the door and don't work here anymore. By the time they left, we only had myself, the district manager, and what ever help we could get from…

A few months ago, I had applied to a movie theater to be the midnight cleaner. I would be able to take my time, be alone, not have to deal with people. The day after my interview, the GM who interviewed me had offered me a shift manager position with a higher pay. I took the position but realized shortly after that I'm not cut for the position. On my first day, the GM that interviewed me had quit due to not getting paid enough (she was getting paid less than $40k per year and her boss could offer her an extra $80 per year). That first month was being trained poorly by 3 shift managers who were already on their way out the door and don't work here anymore. By the time they left, we only had myself, the district manager, and what ever help we could get from other locations. A little more than a month after i was hired, we finally got a new GM and 2 other shift managers. The district manager had asked me to show them around the building and give them the opening/closing procedures, in which I had apparently missed a few things to show them.

As of today; I still haven't recieved the pay I was promised since I was considered a manager in training (they told me that the raise would come mid-September), I've been noticing that there's a lot of things I'm required to learn that isn't even important to the job itself, the cast members are fine with me but definitely seem unhappy with the new management and the job itself (most of them are still in high school too), I pretty much get no benefits from this job (even overtime pay since theater employees are exempt) but i also can't unionize since I'm considered management. The position is pretty much cast member+.

I don't have many other job options to go to since I'm in a smaller town without a car and my only options being food and retail. I feel stuck here.

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