
Apply for new job?

Long story short, my workplace was recently making some changes with new job titles and everything (same jobs, people just getting more specialized titles) and me and my coworkers got wind that promotions were coming. It's something we all speculated on for months if not longer. We've heard about others getting promotions elsewhere in other areas so we were excited when ours would be coming. Well, that day has come..we all got our meeting about out the new direction, and basically got told “thanks for everything, we can't do it without you all, heres your new job with us, but…we hate to do this… it doesnt come with an increase in pay. Maybe one day we can work something out and pay you what we know you deserve.” Talk about a kick in the guts. I don't think I've ever felt this bad at any job as I do in…

Long story short, my workplace was recently making some changes with new job titles and everything (same jobs, people just getting more specialized titles) and me and my coworkers got wind that promotions were coming. It's something we all speculated on for months if not longer.

We've heard about others getting promotions elsewhere in other areas so we were excited when ours would be coming.

Well, that day has come..we all got our meeting about out the new direction, and basically got told “thanks for everything, we can't do it without you all, heres your new job with us, but…we hate to do this… it doesnt come with an increase in pay. Maybe one day we can work something out and pay you what we know you deserve.”

Talk about a kick in the guts. I don't think I've ever felt this bad at any job as I do in this moment. This is an actual job/employer I liked doing and have always felt that rewarding day would come. Not like we got fired, but it feels almost like it. Anytime anything bad happened in the past we were all like “this sucks…but hopefully we get paid more soon so its at least worth it.”

Well, now it's not worth it.

Just completely demoralized right now, don't know what else to say or do. Obviously don't quit on the spot, but this line of work is such a specific one that it's hard to really send out resumes elsewhere and find similar job postings anywhere so I'm not even sure what my next option is.

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