
Are all the anti-solidarity, apolitical, “Hustle and grind” comments here and all over Reddit an example of learned helplessness in US culture or an actual grift?

Asking because I recently put a post in another subreddit (GenZ) stating basically that a significant portion of our generation are adults trying to figure out how to survive and that we (adults) care about politics because it directly relates to our survival. I got lots of positive replies, sure, but also many people essentially saying that actually our generation absolutely should bury our heads in the sand, not care about what's happening in our country, not vote, etc. I tell these people, sure, fine, but surely you should support organizing with other workers so we can leverage our numbers for the sake of collective bargaining? Now whats interesting is that, a lot of the people shouting to the rooftops that they don't care and don't care about voting for Republicans or Democrats…also reject any proposal that workers should organize ourselves and act together to make society and the labor…

Asking because I recently put a post in another subreddit (GenZ) stating basically that a significant portion of our generation are adults trying to figure out how to survive and that we (adults) care about politics because it directly relates to our survival. I got lots of positive replies, sure, but also many people essentially saying that actually our generation absolutely should bury our heads in the sand, not care about what's happening in our country, not vote, etc. I tell these people, sure, fine, but surely you should support organizing with other workers so we can leverage our numbers for the sake of collective bargaining?

Now whats interesting is that, a lot of the people shouting to the rooftops that they don't care and don't care about voting for Republicans or Democrats…also reject any proposal that workers should organize ourselves and act together to make society and the labor system better for us. To this they usually openly extoll capitalism (funny how “apolitical” people are always staunchly pro-capitalist), openly reject collective bargaining, and encourage you to instead learn a trade, grind harder at your job, learn to program, etc. or else you're a lazy bitch boy for being politically engaged rather than running faster on the treadmill.

Now, why mention all this? Well, this is a trend I'm noticing all over Reddit right now, including this sub as well, not as much from original posts but rather the comments, people demanding that folks stop “talking about politics” (aka, anything currently happening in your country that isn't a silly meme or pop culture), telling anyone that points out the horrible conditions of the labor system and market that they just need to work even harder and find another form of body or soul crushing labor just as much subject to the whims of the market and American precarity as your “escape”.

Basically, what's going on here, I get people wanting to ignore electoral politics, but why are they also rejecting things actually pertinent to being an American worker?

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