
Are bonuses usually considered part of a salary? I was always under the impression they were actually a “bonus”.

What the title says. I’m a longtime cook/chef, recently relocated back to the east coast and took a sous job at the start of the year. Pay/benefits are decent, though the salary was $5k less than what I’d asked for even though the Exec said “yeah, we can do that” (when the offer letter came and I confronted him about it he said, “yeah, that plus bonuses”). I already requested a raise once which I received last month, which did not even meet my initial amount. Fast forward to today when I received one of said bonuses, which was roughly half of what I was led to expect I’d be getting. To top it off, it was taxed. Maybe it’s just that I’m new to this side of things, but is this normal? Edit: I suppose commenting on the fact that it was taxed was foolish, but being in the…

What the title says. I’m a longtime cook/chef, recently relocated back to the east coast and took a sous job at the start of the year. Pay/benefits are decent, though the salary was $5k less than what I’d asked for even though the Exec said “yeah, we can do that” (when the offer letter came and I confronted him about it he said, “yeah, that plus bonuses”). I already requested a raise once which I received last month, which did not even meet my initial amount. Fast forward to today when I received one of said bonuses, which was roughly half of what I was led to expect I’d be getting. To top it off, it was taxed.

Maybe it’s just that I’m new to this side of things, but is this normal?

Edit: I suppose commenting on the fact that it was taxed was foolish, but being in the service industry for so long I suppose I’ve been used to cash on the rare occurrence that actually happened.

Also, for a bit more context, when I initially asked for my raise at my quarterly review (glowing praise, for the most part) and I made the argument that my current salary was unsustainable, the Exec eventually fell back on “well, you did sign that offer letter”. This is DC if that helps.

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