
Are people from US more snobbish when it comes to job titles or careers?

May be just my from encounters with people from the US. There seems to be more of a classist stance when talking about jobs. I live in AU, and though there is still a societal view that some jobs are in a more formal or academic space, there is still a general respect to other people not based on ones job. Does not matter if you are a cleaner, in fast food or white collar. Is this a thing or just a perception I got from encounters with a specific group of people from the US?

May be just my from encounters with people from the US. There seems to be more of a classist stance when talking about jobs. I live in AU, and though there is still a societal view that some jobs are in a more formal or academic space, there is still a general respect to other people not based on ones job. Does not matter if you are a cleaner, in fast food or white collar. Is this a thing or just a perception I got from encounters with a specific group of people from the US?

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