
Are people really tired of the way things are?

I feel like I see so many people complain about the way things are in the government but very little action being taken to change things. I understand that if people were to up and quit their jobs it would help our voices be heard but how are we supposed to afford to live during that time? I constantly think about going downtown and holding a sign saying I’m not working anymore until something changes. Would anyone even bat an eye? Would people just walk by with a sympathetic look maybe a few words of kindness or maybe even hate? Are we forever stuck to live like this? From taxes taking our hard earned money, even with overtime. My colleagues have to work 80 hour shifts just to feel like they are making a decent wage. I don’t wanna live like that. It’s not normal, i wanna wake up and…

I feel like I see so many people complain about the way things are in the government but very little action being taken to change things. I understand that if people were to up and quit their jobs it would help our voices be heard but how are we supposed to afford to live during that time? I constantly think about going downtown and holding a sign saying I’m not working anymore until something changes. Would anyone even bat an eye? Would people just walk by with a sympathetic look maybe a few words of kindness or maybe even hate? Are we forever stuck to live like this? From taxes taking our hard earned money, even with overtime. My colleagues have to work 80 hour shifts just to feel like they are making a decent wage. I don’t wanna live like that. It’s not normal, i wanna wake up and be able to breathe without worrying about the next thing I need to pay for. Can we please do something, can you please just stop reading complaints about how things are bad and get angry. Am I crazy for feeling this way? I want to make a difference but idk how to go about it

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