
Are there any jobs out there that aren’t like joining a cult?

At every job I have ever had the culture is like being in a wannabe cult. There are always these meetings where they talk about the company’s “morals” and “mission statements” that are supposed to make them look altruistic and get everyone in a positive mood. It’s like a mix between a church service and a pep rally and gives me a “jump in and enjoy the kool aid” kinda vibe all while spitting in your face every time payday rolls around. Does anyone know of any jobs where this isn’t the case? Some field/career that doesn’t participate in this sophomoric crap?

At every job I have ever had the culture is like being in a wannabe cult. There are always these meetings where they talk about the company’s “morals” and “mission statements” that are supposed to make them look altruistic and get everyone in a positive mood. It’s like a mix between a church service and a pep rally and gives me a “jump in and enjoy the kool aid” kinda vibe all while spitting in your face every time payday rolls around. Does anyone know of any jobs where this isn’t the case? Some field/career that doesn’t participate in this sophomoric crap?

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