
Are there other Reddit communities more like “old /r/antiwork”?

I think this community is good and valuable, helpful, doing good things. But I do miss an older iteration that was less about “these things about my job / job-seeking are terrible, what do I do” and was more oriented toward questioning whether our whole M-F 9-5 Shareholder Value MBA-Driven Efficiency Optimization society is fundamentally wrong and we need to be collectively looking for better models for the world. I don't think there's any way to roll back the clock on this sub, nor would I want to — again, I see a lot of value here, and I think it's doing good work in the world. But are there other subs that are a bit more into the deep dive philosophy/economics stuff, criticizing the whole building blocks, kicking capitalism's tires stuff?

I think this community is good and valuable, helpful, doing good things.

But I do miss an older iteration that was less about “these things about my job / job-seeking are terrible, what do I do” and was more oriented toward questioning whether our whole M-F 9-5 Shareholder Value MBA-Driven Efficiency Optimization society is fundamentally wrong and we need to be collectively looking for better models for the world.

I don't think there's any way to roll back the clock on this sub, nor would I want to — again, I see a lot of value here, and I think it's doing good work in the world.

But are there other subs that are a bit more into the deep dive philosophy/economics stuff, criticizing the whole building blocks, kicking capitalism's tires stuff?

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