
Are these signs of a layoff happening?

I’m getting the feeling something might happen soon. It’s my first job out of college so I’m not sure if I’m overthinking this or not. Here’s the things that have happened recently: -new ceo as of around a year ago -big changes to insurance -someone got promoted on my team and it was confirmed they aren’t replacing his role -my boss that’s been working here forever since he’s been in college (I think like 30 yrs or something) is leaving the company suddenly -my boyfriends mom asked if my company was hiring for her friends daughter two weeks ago, there was several job listings when I checked and I noticed today there’s only one. I also check it here and there in case I notice any other position I would be interested in and there’s never been that little listings before. Am I overthinking or should I start brushing my…

I’m getting the feeling something might happen soon. It’s my first job out of college so I’m not sure if I’m overthinking this or not.

Here’s the things that have happened recently:
-new ceo as of around a year ago
-big changes to insurance
-someone got promoted on my team and it was confirmed they aren’t replacing his role
-my boss that’s been working here forever since he’s been in college (I think like 30 yrs or something) is leaving the company suddenly
-my boyfriends mom asked if my company was hiring for her friends daughter two weeks ago, there was several job listings when I checked and I noticed today there’s only one. I also check it here and there in case I notice any other position I would be interested in and there’s never been that little listings before.

Am I overthinking or should I start brushing my resume up?

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