
Are they allowed to dock his pay?

Long story short my husband is a salaried employee, they were wanting him to lie on his logbook, as well as make him drive a truck that literally you had to push the brakes to the floor to get it to stop every time. It was very dangerous. Anyways he quit the middle of the day last Wednesday after getting a better job offer. When my husband got his last check deposited they docked him for 3 days pay. Is this allowed as a salaried employee? We are in Texas if that matters

Long story short my husband is a salaried employee, they were wanting him to lie on his logbook, as well as make him drive a truck that literally you had to push the brakes to the floor to get it to stop every time. It was very dangerous. Anyways he quit the middle of the day last Wednesday after getting a better job offer. When my husband got his last check deposited they docked him for 3 days pay. Is this allowed as a salaried employee? We are in Texas if that matters

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