
Arragont Hiring Managers

I recently had a terrible experience during an interview for a senior business analyst role with an arrogant hiring manager. The hiring manager, whom I will refer to as Mr. Know-It-All, bombarded me with about a hundred questions and nitpicked my answers. He often interrupted me while I was speaking. I must clarify that I am not trying to make any negative remarks about any specific race, but this hiring manager is of Indian descent. While I appreciate and value my Indian coworkers, I have observed that some Indian managers in the technology industry tend to rely exclusively on textbook answers to appear knowledgeable. That is exactly what this hiring manager expected from me during the interview. There was no open dialogue or exchange of ideas. After the interview, I felt deeply offended to the point where I sent an email to the recruitment team withdrawing my application. I am…

I recently had a terrible experience during an interview for a senior business analyst role with an arrogant hiring manager. The hiring manager, whom I will refer to as Mr. Know-It-All, bombarded me with about a hundred questions and nitpicked my answers. He often interrupted me while I was speaking. I must clarify that I am not trying to make any negative remarks about any specific race, but this hiring manager is of Indian descent. While I appreciate and value my Indian coworkers, I have observed that some Indian managers in the technology industry tend to rely exclusively on textbook answers to appear knowledgeable. That is exactly what this hiring manager expected from me during the interview. There was no open dialogue or exchange of ideas. After the interview, I felt deeply offended to the point where I sent an email to the recruitment team withdrawing my application. I am sorry for venting, but I needed to share this experience.

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