
As if being rejected isn’t bad enough, a hiring manager blocked my number and the interview ended before it even started. But you’re right, “NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK.”

I responded to a help wanted ad for a sales job that paid six figures. Mind you, I'm in San Diego and the guy who posted the ad called me from a phone number from a Colorado area code which threw me off. He called and asked for me by name and said I responded to his ad. Me: Yes, this is her. I asked him, “Did I make this inquiry today?” The reason I asked “did I make this inquiry today” is because I applied to a lot of businesses so I wanted to verify his name/his company's name. He said, “Never mind. You're not a good fit.” Before BLOCKING MY NUMBER so I couldn't contact him again!! About an hour later I called him from my 2nd number and said, “Hey, I have a bone to pick with you. You called me to interview me earlier. Do you…

I responded to a help wanted ad for a sales job that paid six figures.

Mind you, I'm in San Diego and the guy who posted the ad called me from a phone number from a Colorado area code which threw me off. He called and asked for me by name and said I responded to his ad. Me: Yes, this is her. I asked him, “Did I make this inquiry today?” The reason I asked “did I make this inquiry today” is because I applied to a lot of businesses so I wanted to verify his name/his company's name. He said, “Never mind. You're not a good fit.” Before BLOCKING MY NUMBER so I couldn't contact him again!!

About an hour later I called him from my 2nd number and said, “Hey, I have a bone to pick with you. You called me to interview me earlier. Do you mind explaining why you were so abrupt with me?” Him: “Uh…no I didn't” He then texted me saying, “My apologies for any misunderstanding. I can tell that you would not be a good fit. I wish you success in your job search.”

Yup, that's right. I was rejected for asking, “Did I make this inquiry today?” THAT IS HOW BRUTAL employers are. Who knows, maybe if I had just kept my mouth shut, he'd be my boss today.

I hate the line about you not being a good fit. Jobs always say that, but why can’t they follow it up with explaining exactly why you're not a good fit? How can you possibly re-examine yourself and better prepare for the next application if you have no idea why the previous one rejected you? It’s so vague and it’s really unfair. It’s sad to see that this is happening across the board and basically all industries.

I'm the type of person who needs to get to the bottom of a mystery. So I fruitlessly typed his cell phone number into multiple websites and found NOTHING!!

Later, I tried contacting him again with a different name and saying I was interested in the opportunity. I asked him, “What's your first/last name and company name and location?”

Him: Unless you've sent me a resume we really have nothing to talk about. I only interview people who've emailed me a resume.

Me: That's fair. I'm not asking for an interview yet. I'm only asking for your name and company name.

Him: No resume. No interview. Simple as that.

Me: Unless you are some sort of criminal I see no problem with you telling me a company name, location, and first and last name.

He didn't like that reply and blocked that number too.

The fact that he's so secretive and refuses to tell me his first and last name, company name, location, him blocking my number and most alarming that he hides behind a burner number are all huge red flags. I am 100% assuming there is something horribly wrong with him like the “sales job” is a cover for the mafia.

I told this story to my fried Kelly and she said, “Don't beat yourself up. You did nothing at all wrong. He was being an unprofessional dick.”

I want to make it abundantly clear that employers don't owe applicants employment. Nobody owes anybody anything. I absolutely CAN take no for an answer. If he had interviewed me and then called me 24 hours later and said, “I slept on it and I think I'm gonna pass.” I would totally respect his decision.

Who's willing to bet this dude is one of those people that says “nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk”. Well, I wanted to work for him but he needs to learn the lesson that beggars can't be choosers.

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